Short Story
In a corner of the SGU campus on Tuesday, September 27, a small group of foreign husbands and wives gathered with the desire to adapt. St. George’s University Psychological Services Centre is hosting a series of workshops directed at the Significant Others of university students. More than 150 men, women and children are residing in Grenada for the sole purpose of supporting a student through their long days of study. The SGU Psychological Services Department recognized that these Significant Others needed support themselves as they left jobs, family and homes to come to Grenada.
At Tuesday night’s meeting, SO issues ranging from self-sacrifice to spouse communication were vetted and explored at the direction of Dr. Landon and Dr. Kathy Dervin. The pair have been instrumental in the adaptation of many significant others and said after the meeting that they hope to help many more. The second workshop was held on October 25 on the topic of assimilating into Grenadian culture hosted by Dr. Barbara Landon of Psychological Services. The SOs hope to have regular sessions with the PSC each month.
By Sarah Glenn