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Category: People
Date: 12/10/2010
Title: Dr. Rajveer Singh Pawaiya
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St. George’s University welcomes Dr. Rajveer Singh Pawaiya, who has joined the faculty of the School of Veterinary Medicine this semester. Dr. Pawaiya comes to us from India with a career spanning of about twenty years of research and teaching experience in veterinary medicine.

Findings of his research work involving diagnosis and investigation of animal cancers, and various diseases of canines, equines and poultry have been published in several publications including 42 research articles and 12 review articles. He has also contributed about 25 book chapters to various books in the field of veterinary science discipline. He would be primarily responsible for the research and teaching of Pathology courses within the Pathobiology Academic Program to both DVM and DVM–MSc. students and also hopes to develop additional courses in this field.

He is married to Sushma Pawaiya and together they have a twelve year old daughter and seven year old son. We welcome Dr. Pawaiya to SGU and by extension, Grenada and wish him a fruitful and enjoyable time with us.

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