Short Story
From left:Siddharth Raghavan and Neeraj Singh Receiving their Awards
A significant milestone in the life of a medical student is the end of the 5th term. It marks the end of basic sciences and the beginning of their clinical rotations. For many, the occasion is bittersweet. Though they look forward with excitement to rotations, it also means leaving the island that has been home for the past three years and their classmates with whom inevitably bonds of friendship have been formed. The weeks and days of the term dwindle away until at last, the final day of exams. Traditionally, this day ends with a brief but significant ceremony to give four special awards: award for the highest class grade in BSCE 1 & 11 exams, the Golden Stethoscope award and the White Coat Award. This year, one student had the distinction of capturing both the BSCE 1 and 11 awards for the best academic performance in these exams.
SGU Gazette invited the awardees to express how they felt about their preparation for rotations, their experiences in Grenada and about being recipients of these awards. The following are their responses:
Siddharth Raghavan BSCE 1 & 11 awardee:
Upon completing the first two years of medical school at SGU, I have come to realize how important the basic sciences are in preparation for ward rounds in the hospital during the third year. The set of skills I have attained both as a student and as a person will forever build the foundation for life as a future physician. To that end, I am deeply grateful for all that I have been taught in the classroom by such knowledgeable instructors...
Alexandra Renzi, Golden Stethoscope awardee:
SGU has given me an excellent base of knowledge and prepared me for my upcoming years in clinical training. As a doctor and as a person, it is important to be aware of many different cultures. The experience I had in Grenada allowed me to expand my awareness of cultural diversity which I will carry with me throughout my training and my future career as a physician.
I feel honored to have received this prestigious award and hopefully my clinical years will continue to expand my knowledge and training as a future physician...
Neeraj Singh – White Coat Awardee:
As a student of SGU, I have had the opportunity to learn the basic sciences in an organized way, which has both challenged me and prepared me to think through problems like a clinician. As a student in the Keith B. Taylor Global Scholars Program, I have also had the good fortune of learning this material while exposed to two different cultures and academic environments, and I am certain that these experiences will help me as I interact with colleagues and patients from different parts of the world...
Full Story
Siddharth Raghavan BSCE 1 & 11 awardee (continued):
To that end, I am deeply grateful for all that I have been taught in the classroom by such knowledgeable instructors. However, as important as this basic science knowledge is, it is not nearly as valuable as the intangible tools SGU has provided me for my future career. Nothing can replace the experiences I have had visiting patients in the hospital here in Grenada or abroad during the selective I attended in Prague.
Looking back at the past two years, I realize how lucky I am to have attended medical school in Grenada. To study and live in such a diverse environment has taught me more than I could ever imagine. More than anything, I will always remember the kindness of the local people, the vibrant culture and the friends I have made here in Grenada. I have had nothing but the best experiences during these two years and will always be thankful for every opportunity I have been given.
I want to say how honored I am to be the recipient of such prestigious awards. The basic science comprehensive examinations are truly a test of knowledge and endurance in preparation for USMLE Step 1. As such, I am humbled to be mentioned in the same breath as past winners of this award. I want to thank Dr. Pensick, Dr. Rao and Dr. Bhusnurmath for all their help both as instructors and as advisors during the basic science years in Grenada. They are excellent educators and are indispensable in their service to first and second year medical students. As always, I want to thank my parents, my sister and girlfriend for their love and support.
Alexandra Renzi, Golden Stethoscope awardee (continued):
I feel honored to have received this prestigious award and hopefully my clinical years will continue to expand my knowledge and training as a future physician. I am also grateful that my professors recognized my hard work during my first two years of medical school. Hopefully I will continue to grow as both a physician and person, given the great foundation that SGU has provided me.
Neeraj Singh – White Coat Awardee (continued):
As a student in the Keith B. Taylor Global Scholars Program, I have also had the good fortune of learning this material while exposed to two different cultures and academic environments, and I am certain that these experiences will help me as I interact with colleagues and patients from different parts of the world.
In a mere two years, I have been exposed to the learning environments of two countries (UK and Grenada), and I have become friends with students from various parts of the United States and the world. I have seen firsthand that the world is a big place, with each locality having its own unique flavor and customs. This has helped me become more sensitive and also more interested in what new learning opportunities the world has to offer.
Furthermore, in Grenada I found an environment in which I could study hard, help others, and also keep fit. Learning to balance these has been key in my personal development, and I intend to maintain this as I go into clinical rotations and a medical career. I thank my professors and my colleagues for helping me develop into a better person.
I am genuinely honored to have received the White Coat Award. I have lived my life believing that if I can do a little extra work to help make everyone's burden a little lighter, than that is work worth doing. I am pleased that this work ethic has led my classmates to nominate and vote for me to win this award, and I hope that this can inspire my colleagues to go the extra mile for their patients.
On behalf of the university, SGU Gazette wishes to extend special congratulations to our awardees and to wish all of our fifth term students the best in their future endeavours. We hope that wherever you may be, you would stay connected to your SGU family.