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Category: People
Date: 12/24/2010
Title: Dr. Forde Secures $70,000 Grant
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Dr. Martin Forde has recently secured a grant valued at CAD$70,000 to do research on ethical challenges that arise in the conduct of global population health research. His was one of two proposals selected among the five that were submitted to be awarded this grant.

The funding for this grant is provided by the Global Health Research Initiative (GHRI), which is a partnership between five Canadian Government agencies – the Canadian International Development Agency, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Health Canada, the International Development Research Centre and the Public Health Agency of Canada. The GHRI promotes the conduct and use of health research in low and middle income countries (LMICs.)
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Last month, Dr. Forde received SGU Ethic’s approval to conduct this research and has already started to conduct interviews with several researchers from different parts of the world. The purpose of this research is to determine what are the ethical challenges researchers face in conducting research projects that are global in nature and involve multiple persons from multiple geographical regions with different customs and moral value systems.

At the end of this research, Dr. Forde and his co-PIs hope to produce guidelines that can help researchers involved in such projects do so in a manner that is ethical and insures that the rights of all – both researchers and participants – are maintained and upheld.

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