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Category: People
Date: 10/13/2010
Title: Harnessing the Power of the Sun
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As co-founder of Grenada Solar Power Ltd (GrenSol), Dr. Dirk Burkhardt, professor of Neuroscience at St. George’s University, has been highly instrumental in introducing solar power as an alternative source of energy in Grenada, placing Grenada among the leaders in this field in the Caribbean.

Electricity derived from crude oil is typically expensive and comes with the added disadvantages of being exhaustible and harmful to the environment. This drives the search for alternative sources of energy – cheaper, cleaner, renewable energy. For Grenada, solar power is ideal since the island is sunny for virtually the entire year.

Dr. Burkhardt explained that there are two kinds of technologies available for harnessing solar power: photovoltaic systems which convert energy from the sun directly into electricity, and solar collectors which build heat within a unit for use for a variety of things including, heating water, cooking or drying. GrenSol specializes in the use of photovoltaic systems and has thus far installed systems in over 40 businesses and homes. Currently, the company is testing new technologies for generating solar electricity which might make their units even more efficient. The company is also extending its reach to the wider Caribbean.
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Building solar collectors is also Dr. Burkhardt’s forte and he is currently involved in several projects surrounding this service. He is set to design a new system for drying nutmegs using solar power, which will be faster, more efficient and safer for nutmeg workers. Collaborators on this project include SGU’s Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (DPHPM), WINDREF, Grenada Cooperative Nutmeg Association (GCNA) and the Ministry of Agriculture. Additionally, as part of an Organisation of American States (OAS) project, Dr. Burkhardt will supply, in the first instance, ten dehydrators for use in fruit drying. This project will create jobs and may even lead to exportation of dried fruits. In yet another project, in which the Government of Grenada will collaborate with several other entities, Dr. Burkhardt will assist in setting up solar power for a number of houses which are to be built for low income families. Dr. Burkhardt also has several other innovative ideas and plans to implement even more energy saving devices and strategies in the Grenadian community, many of which can lead to sources of employment.

In his home, Dr. Burkhardt utilizes both forms of solar power. His home is outfitted with a photovoltaic system which can supply all electricity needs of the house. He also uses solar collectors in the form of solar cookers for preparing food. He says that food preparation methods using solar power make the food tastier and healthier. The Burkhardt family has plans to build an even more environmentally friendly home.

Dr. Dirk Burkhardt, who was born in Germany, moved to Grenada in 2002 with his wife, Grenadian Valerie Daniel. He is the father of four children: Kevin, who is Chief Operations Officer at GrenSol, and Morris, Vivian and Robin, who are students of mathematics, medicine and information technology respectively. Vivian, who studies at St. George’s University, was named Miss Grenada in 2007 and represented the country that year in the Miss World pageant where she was a semifinalist. Dr. Burkhardt teachers neuroscience at SGU and currently, he is the only neurologist on the island. He is also a consulting psychiatrist for the University’s Psychological Services Centre. He also serves the Government of Grenada at the psychiatric clinic in Grand Bras, St. Andrew and assists the courts as a forensic psychiatrist.
