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Category: People
Date: 03/14/2011
Title: Dr. Danny Burns - New Assistant Dean of Students, DOS
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As of January 2011, Dr. Danny Burns has been appointed Assistant Dean of Students within the Dean of Students Office (DOS). In this post, Dr. Burns will be responsible for students in graduate programs including MPH, MPH/MD, MPH/DVM, MBA, MSc and PhD. He will provide support for students with physical or mental health issues that could interfere with their studies, refer students to appropriate resources, and assist in conflict/complaint resolution, academic progress and professionalism standards. He is also responsible in general for lending an ear to students in difficulties and pointing them in the right direction with the overall goal of assisting them in realizing their full potential in their chosen field of graduate study.

Dr. Danny Burns first joined SGU in July 2007 as a Professor of Anatomical Sciences. He has also served as Chair of the Anatomical Sciences Graduate Affairs Committee (GAC) and has lectured on ‘Overview of Basic Sciences’ to visiting pre-med / pre-vet advisors. Dr. Burns obtained his PhD in 1989 and his MD in 1998 from the University of Arizona’s College of Medicine (UACOM) where he also served as a Course Director of Human Anatomy and Embryology, and Coordinator of Medical Education in Anatomy. In 1993, he was also part of the Dean's Teaching Scholars at UACOM, a one year medical education and education research fellowship for faculty identified as outstanding teachers in the basic and/or clinical sciences.

Dr. Burns also has a great love for animals and their care and protection. Together with his wife, he ran a small non-profit animal sanctuary for abandoned, sick and injured farm animals (goats, sheep, donkeys) for 7 years in Nevis. They currently have four dogs and a cat, and have recently nursed to strength a prematurely born goat kid. Also, Dr. Burns used to be a competitive marathon racer and still commutes on foot.
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